The 2024 QCPPA Conference was a resounding success, characterized by strong connections and collaboration among attendees. Members from every Diocese came together for three action packed days, fostering immense collegiality and creating a vibrant atmosphere of unity. Outgoing QCPPA President, Gavin Rick, challenged delegates to create a collective effervescence and that surely happened – whether in the keynote sessions, the workshops, the team challenge or on the dance floor! 

The event was not only productive but highly enjoyable, with lots of fun activities enhancing the overall experience. The conference provided outstanding professional learning opportunities for all participants, further solidifying its reputation as one not to be missed by QCPPA leaders.

A deadly welcome and some special acknowledgements

The Conference Committee was keen to ensure the student voice was heard while we gathered. We were delighted to have the Deadly Maroochy Mob join us from Stella Maris Parish School and give us a wonderful Acknowledgement of Country. More than 150 pieces of artwork were also collected from students describing what they would do if they were Principal or telling us why their Principal is special.

A Night on the Red Carpet….and a fiery BBQ welcome!

The conference was not only an educational experience but also a chance to connect with other leaders and partake in social activities. Wednesday began energetically on the outdoor podium deck, with clear skies, no rain, and captivating fire twirling performances. Attendees enthusiastically engaged in some hula hooping while others reconnected with old acquaintances and forged new friendships. Special thanks are extended to Bill Dixon, Executive Director Catholic Education Cairns, for his support of the  conference.

Thursday saw everyone dressing up glamorously for “A Night on the Red Carpet…At the Movies” at the Gala Conference Dinner. The ambiance was set by The Flanders Band, featuring at least one surprise guest appearance on the dance floor! It was a pleasure to have Dr Sally Towns from Brisbane Catholic Education and Gez Mulvahill from the Australian Catholic Primary Principals Association join us for this memorable evening.

Conference survey feedback

If you attended the Conference then please take a few minutes to complete the conference survey. Your feedback will be invaluable in helping us to prepare an even better conference in 2026!

We are delighted to have the ongoing support of QCPPA Association Sponsors – UniSuperMSP PhotographyWoods Furniture, and Essential Assessment. They were joined by QCPPA 2024 Conference Sponsors ACUClassSolverEduMarkingFootstepsPlayforceThe Resilience Project and Weareco

We encourage you to support all our sponsors as they support us – Association and Conference – and consider them in your purchasing decisions. To learn more, visit the QCPPA Sponsor Directory.