Conference Highlights

School leaders

QLD Dioceses
QCPPA represents over 200 leaders working in Catholic primary schools in five Dioceses throughout Queensland. We work in partnership with our respective employing authorities across the five diocese and the Queensland Catholic Education Commission.
Principals for Principals is our mantra and guide.

The work of QCPPA is also undertaken as part of a greater collective, the Australian Catholic Primary Principal’s Association (ACPPA) and, ultimately, the Australian Primary Principal’s Association (APPA). This common thread of primary principalship is a powerful source of shared knowledge for us to draw upon.
As we look to 2030, QCPPA aims to provide inspiration for our principals now and in the future for all leaders thrive and flourish.
To explore our strategic vision and plan for QCPPA click here QCPPA Strategic Plan 2023-2025.
QCPPA invites you to explore our website and contact us if you have any queries.


QCPPA celebrates the work of our dedicated principals. One of the ways we do this is through Bi-Annual Early Career Principal Awards named in honour of a past QCPPA principal, Daniel McDonough.
Meet Samantha Suthers, the 2022 Daniel McDonough Award recipient.


QCPPA encourages principals to access their professional renewal entitlements to grow in knowledge, skills and leadership capabilities, as well as attend to their spiritual formation as a leader of a Catholic school community.
Each diocese has its own process for accessing this fund and time, and we encourage principals to enquire.
Hear from some of our principals about their professional renewal leave experiences.